Wednesday 3 April 2013

intellectual property in case of confectionary items

Lindt is a luxury swiss chocolate and confectionary company. Recently it was in news, as it lost a battle in court on account of one of its confectionary items in the form of a shape of a golden bunny. The trial had lasted for 12 years, ultimately with lindt losing out to its competitor Riegelein.. Last year  a Court in Cologne prohibited the sale of chocolate golden bears, following a request by Haribo, owner of a series of registered trademarks for bears, including the word mark "Goldbären" (Golden Bear) as reported in the website of Intellectual Property Planet ( ).

Confectionary items  are very soft items. A lot of effort goes in researching a product design, its popularity in terms of its audience i.e. its target group, and the reactions obtained from consumers when the product hits the stores. Once a design has been approved, it must pass stringent tests before being accepted as a trademark, i.e. it must be unique than others. The Millenium Bug confectionary case is a well known case in this regard.

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